Moon Pod Press

Moon Pod is a zero-gravity beanbag for all-day stress relief and relaxation. Whether you’re working, chilling out, or taking a power nap, Moon Pod is the ultimate way to relax, rejuvenate, and unwind.We’re a team of designers, engineers, and operational experts. We understand what goes into making this product and we've done it in the past.

The beanbag chair of my dreams
The beanbag just got a major upgrade
You'll love this zero-gravity beanbag chair

Kickstarter Campaign

Moon pod was originally funded on Kickstarter, and raised over $1.2 million dollars from over 5,000 backers.

Fast Company Reviews Moon Pod

Inc. 24 Hours With Moon Pod Founder

Press & Partnership Inquiries

For press inquiries please send us an email at

For our press kit and partnership opportunities please send us an email at